Processing Safety enhanced. Guaranteed.

  Especially supplying Parts under ISO 13485 it is evident to secure the   process safety. As a Service supüplier to the medical industry we do   anodize your parts. Yours?

For Years it is   recommended to add your Laser Marking prior anodizing. No matter weather   this is done by Text, Bar or QR Code. Your parts are 100% marked and   identifiable. Once received the Parts and the Marked Area are anodized   by ANODURIT(R).

No matter if ANODURIT(R) is   applied as Type 3 (color) or Type 2 (hard / grey). Your markings do   remain. Once returned it is easy to identify your parts as being 100%   yours! Even if You should once receive another part - it is easy   identified and removed from further processing. You do have the safety   of 100% identified processing.

PS: Since there is   no pickling not only the marking remains. But also parts are true to   size returned. So no further size control needed. Cost savings over and   over! And enhanced Processing safety!


Mi, 19. Aug. 2015

Total 18
  [11-15] [16-18]
 Datum  Titel
 27. 11. 17   CleannMed Präsentation 
 18. 4. 16   Oberflächen & Schichten 2016 
 19. 8. 15   Prozesssicherheit - optimiert. 
 24. 11. 14   Swisstech 14 - ist Geschichte 
 10. 9. 13   Oxidation von Tantal